Marathon training is officially in full swing! You can check out my widget over there -------->
Every Sunday, though, I'm supposed to do "cross training". I'm struggling with the best way to do that. Last week, I went swimming. It was wonderful- until later that night. My feet starting coordinating a very elaborate series of cramping patterns that made it pretty much impossible to do anything except sit on the floor, whine, and rub my feet. Take a look at my right foot. The big toe is pulled down and over and you can see all the tightened muscles on my foot and ankle. It hurt a lot more than that picture gives me credit for.
Crampy feet = Crabby Laura. |
So no swimming this week. Here are some of the other things I tried, instead.
Building our tents = building a base?
Lifting a baby = lifting weights? Check out those triceps! |
Bonfire at the beach = swimming at the beach?
Running down a dune = running at all? Not really cross-training... |
Hatchet throwing = terrible idea!!!
My final conclusion? That I have awesome friends, but kinda suck at cross-training.

Poor Laura - get Dan to massage those sad feet! Can't wait to see you in just 17 days!