Danny and I just got back from an awesome trip to Chicago for 5 days. It was FANTASTIC. I have lots of pictures to post from that; but I just realized I never put up any pictures from 2 weeks ago when Dad came up and ran a 5K with me, Danny, Ala and Morgan. The Chicago ones will be up soon, but here are the others to tide you over!
It was about 40 degrees, rainy and windy- so we sat in the backseat of Ala's car until they were just about to fire the starting gun. It was
cramped cozy.

Here we are after the run. The state park that we ran in was right on the bay; which was beautiful, but I think it lowered the temp an extra 5 degrees. Do you like my highlighter-yellow running jacket? It's so reflective that I think it can be seen from outerspace.

I don't know if you'll be able to see these, but they are the results sheets from the race. Dad got 3rd in his age group and I got 2nd in mine!!! It was a total fluke that we happened to be in age groups with very few runners; but we'll still take the glory! Danny SOLIDLY kicked both of our butts, but his age group was very competitive. This might be the only time I've ever gotten 2nd place in a race. Actually, I take that back. Sometimes Danny and I race, and I always get 2nd place in those races.
Those are super cute pictures! Wish I could have run too.
ReplyDeletevery nice pictures of three of my favorite people. Thanks for sharing them, Laura.